Dr. James Callahan, Music Department, will present an organ recital at 12:35 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the Church of St. Louis, King of France, 506 Cedar St., St. Paul. He will perform "Grand Jeu et Duo" from "Noel Suisse" by Louis Claude Daquin, and Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 541, by J.S. Bach. He also will perform the following movements from "Pieces for Organ, Opus 59" by Max Reger: 2. Pastorale in F major, 5. Toccata in d minor, and 6. Fugue in D major.
Dr. Nick Nissley, Organization Learning and Development, with Lichia Yiu (Center for Socio-Economic Development, Geneva, Switzerland), William Ferris (Western New England College), and William van Buskirk (LaSalle University), recently had a professional development workshop accepted by the Academy of Management (Management Education Division) for presentation at its annual meeting in August 2002 in Denver. The workshop title is "The Use of Art, Drama, Poetry and Storytelling for Team Development: Reframing the Way We Look at Teams in Organizations."
Sister Katarina Schuth, St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, is the author of an article, "The Millennial Generation: Hearing God's Call," recently published by St. Meinrad School of Theology in a volume of the same title. The articles are based on the proceedings of a symposium on understanding today's youth and the nurturing of priestly vocations.