Dr. Sarah Armstrong, L.P., Counseling and Psychological Services, presented a program for new training directors at the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA) annual conference in New Orleans titled "What Do I Do, When, and How? The Multiple and Varied Tasks of Directing an Internship Program: Resources and Strategies for New Training Directors." With eight national colleagues from ACCTA, Armstrong also was acknowledged for her contributions to an article in the Association of Psychology and Postdoctoral Internship Centers (APPIC) Newsletter special section, "How to Be a Training Director": (Ellingson, G. (2013); “Input from ACCTA Training Directors,” APPIC e-Newsletter: Volume VI, Number 2, November 2013, p. 13-14).
Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Theology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, is the author of the "Annual Cardinal Bernardin Lecture" (delivered Oct. 7 at the University of South Carolina), which was published in Italian in Italian Catholic magazines Il Regno and America Magazine. It also has been accepted for publication in English. He also is author of two books: Vera riforma. Liturgia ed ecclesiologia nel Vaticano II (Bologna, 2013), which is the Italian translation of True Reform. Liturgy and Ecclesiology at Vatican II (Liturgical Press, 2012); and Nello spirito del concilio. Movimenti ecclesiali e recezione del Vaticano II (Milan, 2013), whose title in English is In the Spirit of the Council. Ecclesial Movements and Reception of Vatican II.
Dr. Matthew Kent, Philosophy Department, College of Arts and Sciences, gave an invited lecture on "Reasoning," Oct. 12, at the American Kinlein Association's annual meeting in College Park, Md. This was his seventh lecture to the organization.
Dr. Thomas Dillon Redshaw, Emeritus Professor of English, is the author of "Altar Books: Liam Miller and the Visit of John Paul II to Ireland, 1979" in The Southern Review, 16, 1 (Fall, 2013), 124-137. The essay is the closing part of a chapter on the engagement of Liam Miller, the publisher of the Dolmen Press, with Catholic publishing in Ireland after Vatican II, including the English translation from Latin of the Roman Missal and the Veritas Missal.
Dr. Jeri Rockett, Counseling and Psychological Services, attended the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors annual conference in San Diego, Calif. While there, she received the 2013 President's Award for "many years of meritorious service and valuable contributions to the Association."
James Rogers, Center for Irish Studies, was an invited keynote speaker at the 35th annual meeting of the New England region of the American Conference for Irish Studies, whose conference was held at Community College of Rhode Island Nov. 1-2. Rogers’ address was titled “Healing Journeys Home: A Credulous Look.” He discussed a wide range of travel narratives by Americans who have visited Ireland and argued that such accounts often are understood as “secular pilgrimages.”
Faculty and students in the UST Geology Department were well represented at the 125th Annual Geological Society of America Meeting, held Oct. 27 through 30 in Denver. Geology faculty Dr. Tom Hickson, Dr. Jeni McDermott, Dr. Lisa Lamb and Dr. Kevin Theissen, and students Malia Foster, Jacob Frahm, Nicholas Hermann and Crystal Pomerleau collectively led or co-wrote nine conference papers on their research. Several of the papers involved collaborative work between many of the faculty and students listed above and focused on the results of ongoing research into the tectonic and climate history of southern Nevada. The UST contingent also wrote and presented interesting new work on the tectonic history of the Himalayan mountain range, long-term climate change in Glacier National Park, the changing ecology of lakes in Twin Cities metro area, and geology students’ spatial visualization skills.