Public forum on mortgage fraud scheduled Nov. 8
The University of St. Thomas School of Law will hold a forum, “Mortgage Fraud: Its Victims, Consequences and Remedies,” from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in the Schulze Grand Atrium of the law school building at 11th Street and Harmon Place in downtown Minneapolis.
The forum, presented by the university’s Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions and the Center for Ethical Business Cultures, will focus on what members of the legal community can do to help people affected by mortgage fraud.
Several victims will share their stories, and representatives of organizations will discuss how law students and lawyers can play a role in preventing fraud, helping its victims and bringing its perpetrators to justice.
The event, free and open to the public, is part of the Medtronic Business and Law Roundtable series. CLE credit will be applied for.
For further information, call Valerie Munson, (651) 962-4842. Reservations are requested at .