The Business Office reminds students about the opportunity for one lucky Tommie to win a 32GB iPod Touch. And all you have to do is set up an online refund profile.
Students have the capability to create and maintain a refund profile in the new TouchNet eBilling and ePayment system. A refund profile is simply the bank account and routing numbers for a valid U.S. checking or savings account to which the student would want any tuition refunds electronically deposited (or “eRefunded”).
Even if a student has received a direct deposit refund from UST in the past, the student still is required to set up a new refund profile in the new system.
As an added incentive, every eligible student who goes online and saves an eRefund profile by Sunday, Feb. 14, will be entered automatically in a drawing for a 32GB iPod Touch.
For more information about the contest or setting up a refund profile, visit the Business Office Web page.