The University of St. Thomas Department of Art History will open the exhibition “Remembrance of Past Things: Memory, Mourning and Ritual” on Tuesday, Oct. 25, in the O’Shaughnessy Educational Center lobby gallery on the St. Paul campus, 2115 Summit Ave.
This exhibition will feature a variety of examples - mainly local - that create a remembrance of past things, including photographs of memorial constructions and people to whom they have meaning, as well as the ephemera of memory and mourning, such as clothing, accessories and objects that ensure that the idea, event or person is “gone, but not forgotten.”
In conjunction with the exhibit, Dr. Steven Nelson will present the lecture “Maria Magdalene Campos-Pons: Memory is Feminine,” at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 17, in the O'Shaughnessy Educational Center auditorium. For decades, Maria Magdalene Campos-Pons' visual practices have deeply engaged her Afro-Cuban roots, diasporic experiences and subjectivity. Commentators routinely investigate how her work meditates upon memory and complex identities. Working from these commentaries, this discussion is an exegesis upon how Campos-Pons' oeuvre attempts to understand what she call "the mechanics of memory" and, in the process, delineate the very exploration of memory as a feminist project.
A reception will follow in the gallery. Nelson’s presentation is part of the Art of Memory Lecture Series.
The exhibition and lecture are free and open to the public. For more information call Sue Focke, (651) 962-5560, or visit the Art History website.