Slowly, but surely, summer will be upon us. June marks the middle of 2013, meaning we all are well on our way to accomplishing our New Year’s resolutions, if we haven’t already done so. 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, but only 8 percent are successful in achieving them. Less than half of us remain committed to our resolutions by June each year. So while the majority of us have already given up, it could be the perfect time to start a new resolution, or give an ongoing resolution a check up.
According to the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, resolutions are broken into four main categories. Self-improvement leads the pack at 47 percent, weight related is second with 38 percent, a close third are those focusing on money at 34 percent and last are relationship specific resolutions with 31 percent.
To reengage your focus and determination, or to cross something off your bucket list, these three tips can help.
Hold yourself accountable.
Enlist a partner to keep you focused, but also to share in the commitment. Tell others about your desired results so they can follow up with your successes or detractions.
Strategize the solution.
Creating an action plan and timeline breaks up the entire process. Rather than staring at a large and overwhelming credit card bill, break the payment process down into monthly payments and reduced weekly spending goals.
Celebrate successes, acknowledge failures.
Whether successess are large or small, each should be rewarded. Creating a reward system can be as simple as allowing yourself to download one new MP3 each week for your workout playlist. Failures can be learned from as well, as aid in developing a more successful strategy than what was originally planned.
For tips on reinvigorating derailed resolutions or creating new ones read the articles below.
Money Resolutions
6 New Year’s Resolutions for Saving Money
Stick to Your Money Resolutions
Time: Top Money Resolutions (Tips)
Health Resolutions
9 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions
5 Healthy Resolutions for Women
Career Resolutions
5 Solid Tips to Sticking to Your Career Resolutions
10 Keys for Taking Control of Your Career
We’d love to hear from you, what has led to your successful resolutions? What resolutions did you accomplish? Have you planned any new resolutions for summer?