Rev. James Burns, former faculty member in graduate psychology, has been named the new president of Saint Mary's University in Winona, Minn.
Burns is the seventh St. Thomas administrator in the past 15 years to become president of a college or university:
- Dr. Chris Puto, who retired as Opus College of Business dean in 2015, is the president of Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama.
- Tom Mengler, J.D., began his presidency at St. Mary’s in Texas in 2012 after serving as dean of the St. Thomas School of Law for 10 years.
- Dr. Noreen Carrocci, former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, has served, since 2007, as the first laywoman president at Newman University in Wichita, Kansas.
- Former executive vice president and chief academic officer Dr. Tom Rochon served as president of Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, from 2008-2017.
- Dr. Judith Dwyer, former executive vice president, served as president of Saint Xavier University in Chicago from 2003-2009.
- Dr. Ted Fredrickson, former business dean, was president of Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, from 2002-2006.