This is a very exciting time in the history of our country and state. As students, many of you are offered the incredible opportunity to vote for the very first time. There are important federal, state and local offices up for election, not to mention the presidency. In addition, there are several very important state and local issues such as voter identification, the marriage amendment and financial support for K-12 schools.
I encourage all of you to ROCK THE VOTE. That is, get out on Nov. 6 and make your voice count in this election. As we prepare for that major day, please remember to treat all people with dignity and respect whether or not you agree with their opinion. Remind one another that people have a right to their opinions when you are engaging in conversation or social media or when you and your friends are viewing lawn signs or posters.
For more information about Vote 2012, including “Finding your polling place,” visit the university's Vote 2012 website. To vote in Minnesota, you can preregister to vote by Oct. 16 or you can register on Election Day at your polling place.
Exercise your right, and vote on Nov. 6!