Scooter’s restaurant will launch a delivery service today for all of its pizza menu selections. Deliveries will begin at 7 p.m. every day, except holidays and school breaks, to two locations: the Koch Commons desk on north campus and the main entrance to Owens Science Hall (by the 3M Auditorium) on the south campus.
Flex and eXpress money or Club Index are the only means of payment being accepted at this time. There is no delivery charge, but tips are welcome.
To place a delivery order, call Scooter’s, (651) 962-6080, and give full name, UST ID number and telephone number. Pizza orders will not be taken past 10:45 p.m. because Scooter’s closes at 11 p.m.
Full-menu delivery will be available, but the launch date has not been determined.
"We are continuing to improve our service and maintain a high quality of food. from Scooter's," remarked Andrew Tessman, the restaurant's head night cook. "Now that the we've opened for the year, we are ready to take the next step. We ask that you work with us as we begin this new phase of our business, and we hope that you give our pizza a try."