Selim Center Announces Winter and Spring Programs for Those 50 and Older

The University of St. Thomas Selim Center for Learning in Later Years has announced its winter and spring schedule of educational programs and short courses that are tailored for those 50 and older.

The programs range from dinner and lunch discussions to six-session short courses. The programs are designed to be affordable, with fees ranging from $20 to $80.

Participants discuss an earlier Selim Center program.

Here’s an overview of the offerings:

Short Courses: These lecture programs begin in February or April and generally meet once a week for six weeks; they are taught by faculty and community experts. Topics and speakers are:

  • “Studying and Praying the Psalms” with Dr. Arthur Zannoni.
  • “The Cinema of Alfred Hitchcock” with James Snapko.
  • “Psychology and Aging” with Dr. Ben Denkinger.
  • “Islam in a Global World” with Dr. Noreen Herzfeld.
  • “Classical Music Exploration and Appreciation” with Susan Anderson-Benson and friends.
  • “A Patchwork of Ireland: History, Poetry, Song” with Jim Rogers and friends.
  • “Interfaith Reflections on Death and Afterlife” with Dr. Terry Nichols, Rabbi Amy Eilberg and Sheikh Odeh Muhawesh.
  • “Women and the Old Testament” with Dr. David Penchansky.
  • “History of the Greek Economic Catastrophe” with Dr. John Mazis.
  • “East Asia Before 1800: Tradition and Change in China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam” with Dr. P. Richard Bohr.
  • “The Beholder’s Share: Why Do We See Politics the Way We Do?” with Dr. Steven Maloney.
  • “Healthy Cooking Just for You” with Executive Chef Ken Grogg.

Distinguished Educator Program: Retired military history professor Dr. Joseph Fitzharris will speak May 16 on “Colonel Sibley, the 3rd Minnesota, and the Dakota Uprising of 1882.” Fitzharris also will receive the Selim Center’s Annual Distinguished Educator Award for his many years of service to the center.

Lunch’n Explore: Dr. Robert Brown will lead an April 12 discussion on “Issues and Trends in American Education,” and Dr. Ronald Bennett will lead a May 3 discussion on “Leadership as an Ethical Obligation.”

Dinner Discourse: Janeen Massaros and John Lundblad will lead an April 18 dinner discussion on “Difficult Conversations: Managing Family Conversations About Issues Affecting Aging Parents.”

Online Courses: Two music courses are available through April 15: “Understanding Music and Culture” and “Let’s Hear It for the Girls,” about the popular music of women in America.

Consultation and Go-to-College programs: The Selim Center coordinates a program that allows those 50 and older to attend regular undergraduate academic courses on a space-available basis. The fee is $80 per course. The center also offers one-to-one peer consultation services, which has been expanded to include personal-computer consultation and legal and financial planning.

For more information call the center, (651) 962-5188, or visit the center's website.