Seminary's Deborah Savage to Speak at Season’s Fourth ‘Faith and Work Breakfast’ Feb. 17 at St. Olaf

Dr. Deborah Savage, a member of the faculty at the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas, will give the fourth breakfast talk in an annual series co-sponsored by St. Olaf Catholic Church and the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at St. Thomas.

Dr. Deborah Savage

Dr. Deborah Savage

The ecumenical “Faith and Work Breakfast” will be held from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, in Fleming Hall of St. Olaf Catholic Church, 215 S. Eighth St. in downtown Minneapolis.

That women have taken a prominent role in the workplace is old news, but questions continue to surface about what that means for family life, for our culture and for ourselves. How do we understand what seem to be conflicting priorities: a woman’s right and desire to realize her potential, and the equally natural desire for children and a happy home?

In her talk, titled “Women’s Work,” Savage will explore the question of achieving balance and integration, wholeness and peace.

Now in their 16th year, the Faith and Work Breakfasts deal with the personal challenges of faith-and-work integration and are designed for professionals from all faiths.  The theme of this year’s series is “A Divided Life.” Each of the series’ six speakers will speak on how to find balance when there are so many commitments to be met.

The cost of each Faith and Work Breakfast is $20, which includes a continental breakfast or a box lunch. Pre-registration is encouraged. To make a reservation or for more information, call St. Olaf Catholic Church, (612) 332-7471, Ext. 255, or e-mail

Information also is available on the St. Olaf web site.