SEP downloads now available for home installation
From Information Resources and Technologies
Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) is now available for all UST faculty, staff and students to download and install on personally owned computers running Windows or Mac OSX operating systems.
It is strongly recommend that all instances of the Sophos home use version be uninstalled and replaced with SEP at the earliest opportunity. UST's licensing agreement with Sophos anti-virus expired on June 30, and new software definition downloads for Sophos have not been available since that time. Installations of Sophos on personally owned computers will continue to run through Sept. 28, but will not offer effective protection against malicious software attacks without having received updated definitions.
SEP offers many benefits to the UST environment that cannot be found in Sophos. Not only does SEP offer improved protection against traditional forms of malicious software such as viruses, trojans and worms, but also spyware and other forms of malware. SEP also requires fewer system resources on individual computers, resulting in faster operating speeds and better performance on local desktops, and requires little to no intervention by end users.
The SEP downloads and installation instructions for Mac OSX, 32- and 64-bit Windows operating systems can be accessed on IRT's Help and Support Web page.