Sick and Safe Time Leave Ordinances Go Into Effective July 1

As previously reported, effective July 1, 2017, the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis enacted ordinances that require employers to provide paid sick and safe time (SST) to all employees, and require employees to record use of SST.

SST is paid time off that can be used for (a) the employee’s own illness, injury or health condition, or medical appointments; (b) an illness, injury or health condition, or medical appointments for a member of employee’s family or household; (c) time off occasioned by domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking (e.g., absences required for medical attention, obtaining victim services or counseling, relocation or legal process) for the employee, a member of the employee’s family or household, or a person with a close association equivalent to a family relationship; or (d) to provide childcare to a family member in the event of an unexpected school or daycare closing (e.g., snow day).

We have reviewed St. Thomas’ current time-off programs and policies in light of the new ordinances and determined the new requirements that apply to the various employee groups. The most significant impact will be on our student employees.

Employees can learn how this affects them by visiting the Sick and Safe Time Leave webpage under Time Off & Leaves on the Human Resources website.