Sign up for a discussion on the climate for women at UST
From the Luann Dummer Center for Women
UST faculty, staff and students are invited to participate in one of a series of discussions regarding the climate for women at UST to be held in conjunction with the 13th annual Luann Dummer Lecture to be presented on Thursday, March 2 (more details below). These discussions will be held to examine our theme for Women’s History Month: developing strategies for improving the climate for women at UST.
These discussions are designed to be small informal sessions (12 or fewer participants) in which male and female faculty, staff and students will share their perceptions and experiences. Participants in previous years’ discussion sessions on various topics have responded positively to the diverse makeup of these sessions. Stated one student participant, “It was great to meet faculty and staff on a more personal level and to discuss issues with them on an equal footing. I learned a lot about other people at UST and the hour flew by.”
To learn more about perceptions of the climate for women at UST, see the university’s most recent climate study, “Report on the Review of the 2000 Climate Study,” which is available on the Institutional Research and Planning Web site.
If you are interested in participating in a discussion session on this topic, e-mail Pat Alexander with the information requested below. If you would prefer a session on the Minneapolis campus, note that, too. Sessions also will be scheduled in Minneapolis if there is enough interest.
In your e-mail to Alexander, include your name, e-mail and campus addresses, campus phone number and whether you are a student, faculty or staff member.
Indicate the time that would work best for you (all sessions will meet from noon to 1 p.m. in the Luann Dummer Center for Women, Room 103, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center):
- Wednesday, Feb. 22
- Thursday, Feb. 23
- Monday, Feb. 27
- Thursday, March 9
Also, mark your calendar for the 13th annual Luann Dummer Lecture to be delivered by Dr. Bernice Sandler, an author and nationally known expert on women’s issues. Her talk is titled “Warming Up the Chilly Climate: Strategies for Faculty, Staff and Students.”
This lecture will be given at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 2, in the auditorium, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center. Visit Sandler’s Web site to learn more about her and the chilly climate research.