Sign up now to donate blood on April 12 and 13
The Wellness Center will host spring blood drives from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, in the Fireside Lounge, Koch Commons, and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, April 13, in Room 304, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
Register online through the Red Cross Web site. To make an appointment, visit the Red Cross Web site (a “button” link to the Red Cross Web site will appear for the next week on the Bulletin Today home page.)
To begin, create a profile (if you don’t have one already). Click on “My Profile” under “Step One: Find a Blood Drive.” First-time users will be prompted to “Create a Profile.” Enter all information that is required and click “Submit.” Once this procedure is completed, click on “Step One” and do an “Advanced Search.” You then will be allowed to enter the UST sponsor code: ustthomas and no date is necessary.
Once login is complete you will be granted access to check availability for both days of the blood drive at St. Thomas. You will be sent an e-mail reminder of your appointment shortly before the date.
Find out your eligibility for giving blood by calling the Red Cross, (651) 891-3885.
Questions? Send an e-mail to the Wellness Center.