Resident students have started to move into university residence halls. This Saturday, Aug. 31, almost 1,200 first-year students will move onto the St. Paul campus. In order to properly welcome and provide space for them to move in, several parking changes will be made over the next few days.
Morrison Ramps R-2 and R-3 closed at 10 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, for regular cleaning and painting. All vehicles had to be removed from the ramps. Those whose vehicles were not removed may not be able to get their vehicle out until the ramps reopen after move-in.
When the ramps reopen after move-in on Saturday evening, only those who have received and paid for a resident parking permit will be allowed back into R2 or R3. (The first resident permit lottery went out earlier this week. Recipients will have an opportunity to pick up their permit before Saturday night if they have received an email confirming that they have been awarded a resident permit.)
After move-in on Saturday evening, hourly parking for R-2 also will resume and the Anderson Parking Facility will lower its gates for permit holders and hourly parking.
Parking will not be allowed in Lots A, B, C and G beginning at 10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, through most of Saturday, Aug. 31, and general access to north campus at Selby and Finn also will be closed. All vehicles must be moved from these lots so that they can be available for move-in of the first-year students. It is expected that these lots will open for parking after move-in on Saturday. In some cases, this may be as late as 8 p.m. People who usually park in these areas are encouraged to park on the south campus.
In addition, parking is not allowed on northbound Cretin Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Selby Avenue effective immediately and continuing to 1 a.m. Monday, Sept. 2. Also in effect until 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, no parking is allowed eastbound on Selby from Cretin to Cleveland Avenue. Vehicles found in violation of the posted no parking signs may be issued a ticket or get towed by the city.
All students and employees who come to campus on Saturday to assist with move-in are encouraged to carpool and park on south campus in the Anderson Parking Facility. Out of respect for UST neighbors, please do not park in the neighborhood.
Note Street Closures for Women ROCK Races on Saturday
The Team Ortho Foundation is sponsoring the Women ROCK races that start at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31.
Street closings for the morning of the “Women ROCK” races:
- Shepard Road from Eagle Street at the Upper Landing to West 7th Street (Fort Road)
- Mississippi River Boulevard from West 7th Street to the northern St. Paul border
Anyone who is planning to take roads on this route should plan ahead and find other options. This closure will not impact the lineup of move-in vehicles northbound on Cretin Avenue.
Campus Overnight Parking Restrictions Return for 2013-14 Academic Year
Beginning at 10 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 1, parking will not be allowed from 2 to 5 a.m. on all non-resident surface lots and in the Anderson Parking Facility on south campus.
For further parking details and policies, consult the 2013-14 campus parking guides available on the Parking Services website.
For more information call Parking Services, (651) 962-PARK (7275).