STAR promotes football fanamaniacs; sponsors trips to Midway Bowl Oct. 3, Dakota Jazz Club Oct. 9


STAR promotes football fanamaniacs; sponsors trips to Midway Bowl Oct. 3, Dakota Jazz Club Oct. 9

Attention football fanamaniacs, Sept. 29
STAR wants all fanamaniacs to join it for the football game tomorrow against Bethel College. The game begins at 1 p.m., but be sure to stop by the parking lot next to the field at 12:30 p.m. for free food and T-shirts. Show your UST pride and be sure to look for Tommie!

Midway Bowl, Oct. 3
STAR is sponsoring a trip to Midway Bowl on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Enjoy two free games, free rental on a pair of shoes and transportation – all on STAR.

Buses will leave the arches at 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. and return at 11:30 p.m. and midnight. Students are required to ride the bus.

Sign-ups begin at noon Monday, Oct. 1, in the Box Office and Expeditions, lower level, Murray-Herrick Campus Center (sorry, no guests). Only 60 will be allowed to sign up; bring your UST ID.

Dakota Jazz Club, Oct. 9
Join STAR in a trip to the Dakota Jazz Club Tuesday, Oct. 9, to see a national show featuring Mary Wilson of the Supremes. Transportation and appetizers will be provided. The bus will leave the arches at 8:30 p.m. and return at approximately 11:30 p.m.

Tickets are $10 per person (no guests allowed) and are available beginning at noon Monday, Oct. 1, in the Box Office and Expeditions. You must have your UST ID to purchase a ticket and you must ride the bus.

This event is available to students only.