Student group plans ‘Many Faces of Discrimination’ rally tomorrow
A University of St. Thomas student group, Unite UST, will kick off its nondiscrimination campaign by holding a rally from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, on Foley Plaza on St. Thomas’ lower quadrangle.
Titled “The Many Faces of Discrimination,” the rally will feature student speakers who will discuss various forms of discrimination. The rally will open with spoken word from a member of Poetry Slam, and the goals of Unite UST will be explained.
More information about the organization is available at
According to Unite UST:
- “Unite UST is a nonviolent, student-led campaign to address discrimination at St. Thomas.
- “We seek to show support and solidarity with those in the UST community who are experiencing discrimination.
- “We ask that the university live up to its nondiscrimination clause which states that ‘The University of St. Thomas does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability in its programs and activities,’ and make a public statement recognizing the climate of discrimination that does exist, and that it is a problem on our campus for everyone.
- “As students of St. Thomas, we desire a campus climate that is inclusive, nurturing, educational, and aware – and we are committed to being a part of that positive change on our campus.
- “The University of St. Thomas says ‘Challenge yourself, change your world.’ We say, ‘Challenge yourself, change our campus.’”