Student workers: Take care of these year-end payroll procedures
From the Payroll Department
Students who are working at UST for the academic year 2005-2006 should remember to do the following procedures before the end of spring term:
- Have your supervisors sign all outstanding time reports for the academic year (remember many professors are not available after the end of the spring term; don’t wait until the last minute).
- Turn in all your outstanding time reports for the academic year through May 20, 2006, to the Payroll Department in Room 221, Aquinas Hall, before you leave campus on May 20, 2006.
- If you are working after May 21, 2006, you will need to complete a new summer contract. As soon as the Payroll Department receives your contract, you will be sent new time reports. Do not use your academic time reports for hours worked after May 21, 2006. Summer contracts are available at Murphy Online under Student Services and Financial Aid/Student Employment/Print Student Employment Contract, starting with the summer 2006 term.
- If you want to keep your UST mailbox open for the summer months, you need to make arrangements with the Post Office prior to Friday, May 19.
- If you are moving home or to another address for the summer and want your mail as well as your final paychecks on Friday, May 26, 2006, and on Friday, June 9, 2006, please report this new mailing address via Murphy Online, logging into Personnel Information and selecting Update Address and Phones. You will need to change your “CP” Payroll Check Mailing Address. You also will need to notify the Post Office where to forward your other mail.
Thank you for your attention to these payroll details. Good luck on your finals and have a great summer!