'Sundaes, Sails, Burritos, Boats' semiannual Sailing Team fundraiser is May 10-12
The UST Sailing Team still is going strong as the end of the season approaches. The past two weekends were spent at national qualifying regattas at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind., and at Ohio State University in Columbus.
At the women’s regatta at Notre Dame, the team took fifth of seven teams, and at the coed regatta in Ohio -- the biggest regatta of the season so far -- the team took sixth of 13 teams.
You can support the Sailing Team by buying burritos and ice cream sundaes at its semiannual fundraiser, “Sundaes and Sails and Burritos and Boats,” over the lunch hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 10-12, in the lower quad. Buy some food and participate in fun contests!