Well, it’s that glorious time of year for a St. Thomas student: J-Term! I actually have a lengthier to-do list than usual for this month, but I’m perfectly okay with that. Why? Because half of it is fun stuff!
The spaces between practical items are crammed full of dinner reservations with friends, coffee (really hot chocolate for me) dates, a bucket list of things I’ve always wanted to do around the Twin Cities, babysitting for family, and writing my first book. Gasp. Thrilling, I know.
The book (shockingly) is not a steamy romance, a sci-fi complete with alien abductions or the next great American novel. Nope, tentatively titled Swing Dancing for Dummies, it will be a guide to the current and future co-chairs of the UST Swing Dancing Club! Considering I (and two other of the four co-chairs this year) are brand spanking new to the business of organizing dances, budgets and lessons, I’m very jazzed about having all the needed information in print.
I know I’ve mentioned my addiction to swing dancing in previous blogs, but it’s really worth more than a couple of off-hand allusions. Last semester, the Swing Club was able to organize a few off-campus events and one on-campus dance, The Mob Hop (I'm in the blue dress in the photo on the right). It was fun to see a lot of people at the Hop. Some were experienced dancers, some weren’t. Some were in the themed 1920s wear, others were dressed in everything from jeans to skirts to shorts. Generally speaking, it was a blast!
It all spun from randomly scheduled meetings attended by four to six people, a lot of off-track conversations, more laughter and the brainstorming of some boogying minds. The Swing Club co-chairs have a lot up our sleeves and in our dancing shoes for next semester, but you’ll need to stay tuned for those events and let me know if you want to join the email list.
In the meantime during J-Term, my fingers will be dancing across the keyboard, getting the book ready!
UST Swing Dancing Club members at the Fall Bombers Moon Ball.