Tech Tuesday: File storage tips
From Information Resources and Technologies
Ever wonder what your options are for saving documents at UST? IRT has a new video tutorial on the Web called Using File Storage Space at UST. View the video to learn about using file storage space, including: MyDocuments, MyStorage, Deptstore, and Courseweb.
MyDocuments is on your computer hard drive and is often the default location for files saved within programs such as Microsoft Office or Excel. MyDocuments is not a network storage space, so document saved in MyDocuments are not accessible from anywhere other than your computer and are not backed up by our central servers. You are responsible for regular backup of files saved in this location.
MyStorage is a 500MB central storage location for students, faculty and staff created automatically when your UST account is established. This location is accessible from any computer on or off campus and is backed up nightly by IRT.
DeptStore is a central storage location created for use by UST departments. This is an ideal location for files which need to be viewed or accessed by multiple staff members of a department and is also backed up nightly by IRT.
CourseWeb is storage space specifically for faculty members and is used to store academic materials externally from Blackboard. This is created only upon request of a faculty member and is backed up nightly by IRT.
For more information, contact the IRT Tech Desk, (651) 962-6230, or your Academic or Administrative Technology Consultant.