Thank you to all faculty phonathon volunteers!
From the Admissions Office
Each year the Admissions Office asks faculty members to assist in the recruitment process by volunteering for the faculty phonathon. The phonathon connects faculty members with prospective students who have an interest in their discipline.
In many cases, the faculty contact impacts a student's decision to come to St. Thomas. Not only does this phone call demonstrate the caring nature of our faculty, but it also gives a true picture for prospective students and parents of what it's like to be a Tommie and just how dynamic student and faculty relationships are at St. Thomas.
The Office of Admissions thanks the following people who volunteered for this year's faculty phonathons:
- Regina Anctil, Business
- Betsy Anderson, Journalism
- Ozer Asdemir, Business
- Barb Berger, Social Work
- Tonia Bock, Psychology
- Tony Borgerding, Chemistry
- David Boyd, Chemistry
- Joan Brownstein, Education
- Jeanne Buckeye, Business
- Kris Bunton, Journalism
- John Buri, Psychology
- Carmina Cavazos, Business
- Mary Anne Chalkley, Psychology
- Sue Chaplin, Biology
- Frank Coglitore, Business
- Palahela Dayananda, Mathematics
- Julie Derry, Health and Human Performance
- Jayna Ditty, Biology
- Laura Dunham, Business
- Bridget Duoos, Health and Human Performance
- Phyllis Dykhuizen, Education
- Lake Dziengel, Social Work
- Jay Ebben, Business
- Georgia Fisher, Business
- Kendra Garrett, Social Work
- Jean Giebenhain, Psychology
- Matthews Grant, Philosophy
- Jan Hansen, Education
- Monica Hartmann, Economics
- Lynn Hartshorn, Chemistry
- Steve Hatting, Pre-Law
- Mari Heltne, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science
- Randy Herman, Social Work
- Angela High-Pippert, Political Science
- Tom Ippoliti, Chemistry
- Jeff Jalkio, Engineering
- Ann Johnson, Psychology
- Alec Johnson, Business
- Marty Johnson, Physics
- Meg Karraker, Sociology
- John Kemper, Mathematics
- Robert Kennedy, Catholic Studies
- Joe Komar, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science
- Juli Kroll, Modern and Classical Languages
- Kelli Larson, English
- Mary Maloney, Business
- Craig Marcott, Economics
- Diane Matson, Business
- Theresa McPartlin, Social Work
- Kathy Olson, Chemistry
- Charlotte Ovechka, Biology
- Marie Pannier, Philosophy
- Pete Parrilla, Sociology
- Joan Piorkowski, English
- Shirley Polejewski, Business
- Chris Puto, Business
- Janice Raffield, Business
- Michael Scham, Modern and Classical Languages
- Sarah Schmalenberger, Music
- Arkady Shemyakin, Mathematics
- Heather Shirey, Art History
- Rick Smith, Quantitative Methods and Computer Science
- Mark Stansbury-O'Donnell, Art History
- AnnMarie Thomas, Engineering
- Dale Thompson, Business
- Chris Toffolo, Political Science
- David Vang, Business
- Martin Warren, English
- John Wendt, Business
- Wendy Wyatt, Journalism
- Heekyung Youn, Mathematics
- Kyle Zimmer, Biology