When you are clearing the table after Thanksgiving, have you ever thought: “We have enough leftovers for several more meals?”
This year, International Student Services invites you to squeeze an extra chair or two around your Thanksgiving table for an international student. Thanksgiving is such a uniquely American holiday that we would like to partner with you to give current international students an opportunity to experience it firsthand.
We are asking you to volunteer to be a Thanksgiving holiday host this November. Whether your family and friends celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, the day after, the weekend before or whenever, we would love for you to make room at your table for one or two international students.
There is no need to have a Martha Stewart-worthy turkey or all the trimmings – we want our students to see the diverse experience of how Americans celebrate and give thanks for the blessings in their lives. So whether you are cooking a tofurkey (tofu turkey), picking up a premade meal from Cub, coordinating a potluck, or serving a meal that may be featured on the Food Network, please volunteer to host an international student or two. We have a wealth of students who are interested in participating.
Please take a few moments to fill out the online form to volunteer to be a Thanksgiving holiday host. ISS will follow up with you to confirm the guest(s) that will be joining you for Thanksgiving, which is Nov. 24. The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 28.
If you have questions about the program, please do not hesitate to call me at (651) 962-6648 or email me at dien1019@stthomas.edu.