The Voice of the Graduate Business Alumni Community

ocbgbabEditor's Note: August is Alumni month in the Opus College of Business so we figured it would be worthwhile to look into how all of the month's events came together and who had input on them. 

Alumni are the lifeblood of any academic institution. They represent the past, present and future – sharing their experiences, demonstrating the value of the degree obtained, and helping to recruit future leaders into a program that provided them so much opportunity. At the Opus College of Business, our alumni are no different. We want them to remain interested and engaged, even after receiving their degree and walking out the doors. We want them to help represent our graduate business programs and brag about their accomplishment to whomever will listen.

One way we work to keep our alumni engaged is our Graduate Business Alumni Board, which serves as an advisory body to help plan events and outreach, as well as provide input on benefits and services for alumni. This board is representative of our alumni network in that it includes graduates of all graduate business programs, including the four UST MBA degrees, Master of Business Communication, Master of Accountancy and Master of Real Estate.

Mission: The UST Graduate Business Alumni Board serves to foster a lifelong connection between the Opus College of Business and its graduate alumni by promoting and supporting networking, career enhancement, leadership and learning opportunities that are consistent with the Opus College of Business mission statement.

The current board consists of 18 members who want to make a difference within the Opus College of Business and act as the voice of the broader graduate business alumni community. Please do not hesitate to connect them as needed to share input, ask a question or learn more about how to get involved. You can also email with questions, ideas and general inquiries. We welcome your feedback as we work to build a strong graduate business alumni network, bringing together alumni from decades past, as well as those who recently joined the alumni ranks.