Tomorrow is last day to sign up for intramural football
Touch Football League
Games are played weekday nights in O'Shaughnessy Stadium, located on the corner of Summit and Cretin avenues. Sign up as a team; six players minimum are needed per team. Choose from two leagues: either Monday-Wednesday or Tuesday-Thursday.
Coed Touch Football League
Coed touch football games are played Monday afternoon to early evening on the O'Shaughnessy Stadium field. This four-on-four league requires two women and two men on each team.
The last day to sign up for intramural football is Friday, Sept. 12.
The sign-up sheet can be found at the "cage" (security window) between O'Shaughnessy Hall and the Physical Education Center (include the captain's e-mail address and phone number).
Questions? Contact Allen Clark, (651) 497-2051.