It’s that time to start thinking about what kind of impact you want to have on campus in 2012-13 and how to get involved at UST. Participating in the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) allows you to work on initiatives you care about. USG offers a dynamic council of unique, insightful and motivated individuals. USG is looking for those who are passionate and want to make a difference.
If you are in good standing with the university and interested in one of the 22 open positions, pick up a candidate packet in the Campus Life Office in Room 325, Anderson Student Center, or online here. Packets are due at the candidates meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, in Woulfe Alumni Hall (north room), Anderson Student Center. All executive board positions are paid; candidates must have junior or senior status to run. You must have one year of experience on USG to run for president.
The positions open for the spring 2012 election are:
Executive Board
- President
- Executive vice president
- Vice president of administrative affairs
- Vice president of academic affairs
- Vice president of public relations
General Council
- Senior class president
- Senior class senator (2)
- Junior class president
- Junior class senator (2)
- Sophomore class president
- Sophomore class senator (2)
- Student diversity relations chair
- Commuter senator
- Legislative affairs senator
- Neighborhood senator (WSNAC)
- Neighborhood senator (Merriam Park)
- Residential senator
- Transfer senator
- Elections and credentials chair
For more information email Jared Scharpen, USG vice president of public relations, or stop by the USG office, located in Room 314, Anderson Student Center.