Last Thursday, February 3, five teams of students from the Full-time UST MBA program competed in the preliminary round of the ACG (Association for Corporate Growth) Cup. This is a case competition in which students analyze financial data and market conditions to determine whether a company is offering a fair price for an acquisition target.
The students presented their recommendations to a panel of judges from ACG (acting as the company's Board of Directors), who asked detailed follow-up questions to decide which teams had done the most thorough analysis and had made the most viable recommendations.
Of the five competing teams, two were selected to move on to the final round of the case competition. First-year MBA students Bhakti Raicha, Gurkan Peksoz, Brett Wong, Ted Long, and Kyle Jorgenson comprise one of the teams advancing to the finals, and the other team consists of second-year MBA students Sam Sands, Shawn Moses, Kevin Hejna, and Brad Maiers.
The two UST teams will compete against teams from the Herberger College of Business at St. Cloud State University and the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa in the final round. The finals will take place this Thursday, February 10, at 6 p.m. in the Schulze Auditorium at the Opus College of Business downtown Minneapolis campus. The case competition is open to the public; full details can be found on the ACG Minnesota website.