University Relations Wins SPJ, Design Awards

The University Relations Department recently received some accolades from the publishing and design communities.

St. Thomas magazine won first place for Best Issue at the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists awards banquet on June 15. Judges praised the magazine by commenting, “A good mix of short, in-depth and profile pieces. Well-designed, beautiful photography (especially the profile of designated hitter Ryan Gerber) and portraits of alums. This is a magazine that people who are not University of St. Thomas grads would be interested in reading.” Magazine staff include Brian Brown, Patty Petersen, Sara Klomp and Mike Ekern.

Other award winners were:

  • Mike Ekern, who finished second in the Photography/Best Portrait Photography for a three-photo portfolio. The photography category included entries from magazines, newspapers and broadcast stations.
  • Jordan Osterman, who placed second in Magazines/Best Profile for his article, "The Power of Faith, the Necessity of Justice," about former law professor Nekima Levy-Pounds.
  • Kate Metzger, who finished third in Online/Best Institutional Social Media Account for her work with Instagram.

In addition, five entries from Design Services within University Relations were selected as winners in the 2016 American In-House Design competition sponsored by Graphic Design USA. The following designers received Certificates of Excellence:

  • Pete Borden for the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship annual report
  • Colin Hall for the Department of Admissions academic requirements and course catalog
  • Sara Klomp for the spring 2016 St. Thomas magazine
  • Colin Hall for the Institutional Advancement retreat fundraiser illustrated beverage labels and
  • John Mau for the University of St. Thomas Strategic Plan.