UST Crew reports success at Indianapolis Invitational

UST Crew reports success at Indianapolis Invitational

The UST Crew team participated in the Indianapolis Invitational on Eagle Creek last weekend. This was a 2K race in which UST was up against many rival schools including: Michigan, Grand Valley State, Ohio State, University of Minnesota, Michigan State, Marietta, Purdue, Dayton, Notre Dame, Marquette, Grand Valley State and Eastern Michigan.

In its second year of participation, UST was able to medal and place, establishing itself as a team that is growing and getting stronger.

The men's novice four was the first team to receive a first place in the two years that UST has participated in the Indy Invite. It had a great lead of 7.2 seconds ahead of the second place boat.

The women's varsity four also was able to take home a third-place medal, only six seconds behind rival Marquette.

Also successful, the varsity men's eight placed third in the petite finals, seven seconds behind its rival, the University of Minnesota. This finish was an improvement over the previous week when UST's eight was 20 seconds behind Minnesota.

The women's varsity eight made great improvements in its race and placed fifth, beating Northwestern, one of its rivals, and finishing close behind Marquette, another team that offers great competition.

The women's novice eight made its first appearance at the Indy Invite and placed third, six seconds behind Eastern Michigan.

Boat-naming ceremony Saturday
Join UST Crew at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 5, in the upper quad for a boat-naming ceremony for the team's new eight. Attend this event to learn the boat's namesake. The honoree will participate and bless the boat; this person is well-known throughout campus.

Regatta on the Mississippi River
Also on Saturday will be a home regatta on the Mississippi River, starting early in the morning and running until early afternoon.

For more information, e-mail Mariah Wescott.