UST end-of-school clothing drive under way
From Recycling and Central Receiving
The end-of-school campus exodus will soon be in full swing!
While packing up for the move, many reusable items get discarded. That fills up our dumpsters, which fills up our landfills, which increases our taxes, cost of living and carbon footprint. If it's reusable and clean, it can be recycled and be a great help to others.
In all residence halls near main entrances and on some residence floors, you should find specially marked recycling containers. Please place unwanted clothing and household items in these containers and not a dumpster. Clothing should be clean, and please, no wet clothing.
We also are collecting household goods, clocks, hairdryers, drying racks, irons, electronics, packs and books (for Books for Africa). Clothing and household goods will be given to Goodwill and other local charities, and unopened foodstuffs go to the Merriam Park Food Shelf.
This is the 11th year of the UST end-of-school clothing drive. In spring 2007 the drive collected more than 3,300 pounds of clothing and household goods for charity. Thank you for pitching in and helping with this reallocation of resources. The Recycling Team, Residence Life and the Physical Plant sponsor this sustainable effort.
For more information about this project or the UST recycling program, contact Bob Douglas, (651) 962-6388.