UST in the news
Here's a roundup of recent St. Thomas mentions of interest in various media. Read the stories by clicking on the links. Links do expire and change as papers move stories to "archive" status, and if links have expired, you're welcome to purchase access to the stories or use a search engine such as Lexis Nexis, available on the UST Libraries' Web site. In some cases, you'll need to register on the publication's Web site in order to access full text.
If you see a story about St. Thomas and would like us to include mention of it, be sure to drop us a note at
- "Shoreview students fly planes, from the ground: For local girls, unusual summer camp brings fun and flight," Shoreview Press, July 31, 2007. "By the end of their first week at an unusual summer camp at the University of St. Thomas, seventh-graders Marissa Sullivan, Anne Johnson and Shefali Jain of Shoreview had built and flown their own radio-controlled model airplanes."
- "Grandson of legendary owner ran team during its 1950s resurgence," Chicago Tribune, Aug. 27, 2007. Charles Albert Comiskey II was a St. Thomas alumnus.,1,19961.story?coll=cs-whitesox-headlines
- "Gorg resigns as Toms' women's coach," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Aug. 27, 2007. "Kevin Gorg, the only women's hockey coach at the University of St. Thomas, has resigned to pursue his broadcasting career … ."
- "School of Health to open at College of St. Catherine," Star Tribune, Aug. 28, 2007. " College of St. Catherine officials had been quietly working on the expansion of health education for nearly two years, before the University of St. Thomas' recent announcement that it is considering opening a small medical school."
- "Obituary: Beloved Maxfield principal Zelma Wiley, 49," Star Tribune, Aug. 30, 2007. Wiley obtained her teaching license through St. Thomas' Collaborative Urban Educator (CUE) program and later worked as a CUE mentor and coordinator.
- "Catechetical institute to open at seminary," The Catholic Spirit, Aug. 30, 2007.
- "Jumpstart your journalism career," KARE-TV "Whatever" show, Aug. 31, 2007. Here's a look at St. Thomas' ThreeSixty summer journalism workshop for high school students. Be sure to watch the video here too.
- "Twin Cities Youth Group Helps New Orleans Families," WCCO-TV, Aug. 31, 2007. "'We saw the destruction, the devastation that happened, you know, in the Gulf Coast area and we really kind-of came as a youth group and said that we really need to help these people,' said Charles Fiergola, a freshman at the University of St. Thomas."
- "A new school, a new start," Star Tribune, Sept. 2, 2007. "Kristine Melloy, a professor at the University of St. Thomas who is taking a leave of absence to serve as Christo Rey's first principal, said most of the students are two or three years behind academically."
- "St. Paul colleges work to keep the peace with their neighbors," Star Tribune, Sept. 3, 2007.
- "Ask a consultant," Star Tribune, Sept. 4, 2007. Dr. David Vang, Finance Department, Opus College of Business, answers a reader's question.
- "Taking child's play to another level," Star Tribune, Sept. 4, 2007. "The expert says: Avinash Malshe, assistant professor of marketing at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, said Comfort had reached a point of potential conflict that many entrepreneurs face in deciding whether to grow organically or to seek outside investment."
- Fair's wild ride: A storm, a bull and a stabbing kept this Fair hopping," St. Paul Pioneer Press, Sept. 3, 2007. "'It really is all about the bag,' said Brienna Schuette, Fair spokeswoman. After the University of St. Thomas introduced free purple bags three years ago, a bunch of other groups started giving out their own clutches."