Are your finances stressing you out? A representative from Family Means Credit Counseling will speak at interactive finance-related workshops on three Mondays: Oct. 4, 11 and 18. The workshops are free.
The sessions will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 116, McNeely Hall. To register, e-mail the Wellness Center or stop by the center, located in the lower level of Koch Commons.
Attend one, two or all three of the workshops:
- Oct. 4 – “What is My Money Personality?” explains five different money personality types and how these types interrelate. It also reviews tips on budgeting, saving, spending and credit.
- Oct. 11 – “Take Charge of Your Money” shows how to create a successful spending plan, learn traditional expense guidelines and how to leverage your own strengths and weaknesses for successful money management.
- Oct. 18 – “Give Me Some Credit!” examines how to access your credit report for free, why you should care about your credit report, and how to improve your credit history.