Wellness Center sponsors Safe Spring Break
The Wellness Center is sponsoring Safe Spring Break all week by giving away Safe Spring Break Kits.
This year’s kit will include a free backpack filled with health and safety tips on these topics:
- Alcohol
- Nutrition
- Sexual assault
- Sun safety
- Seatbelt safety
- General travel safety information
In addition, 300 of the 1,000 backpacks will contain gift certificates to Scooter's. Stapled to the Scooter's gift certificates is information on e-CHUG, an interactive Web survey that allows college and university students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. Any student who submits their e-CHUG certificate of completion to the Wellness Center between Monday and Friday of this week will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to Target.
Kits will be distributed during convocation hour on Tuesday, March 11, in front of the cafeteria and Thursday, March 13, in front of the Grill. Kits will also be available (one per person) in the Wellness Center during office hours today through Friday.
The Wellness Center is located in the lower level of Koch Commons across from the Pit Stop.
For more information, contact the Wellness Center, (651) 962-6128.