As they say, hindsight is always 20/20. So as our MBA students prepare to start classes just three short weeks from now, I thought that they (and anyone else considering pursuing an MBA in the future) could benefit from some words of wisdom from those who have completed their degree.
Business Week recently asked its social media fans, "What advice do you wish you'd been given when you were first starting your MBA program?" Three of the replies I found most insightful were:
"Don't do what others think you should do, or what everyone else is doing. Decide what you want and hustle to get it."
"Realize that a MBA provides you with a great, technical foundation to build success upon, but not THE key to success. Be prepared to learn just as much, if not more, after graduation and upon beginning your career."
"Advice for starting out: Smile, be nice, be open - you never know who will be your next business partner, mentor, or best friend!"
Other responses ran the gamut from warning students to be prepared for math-heavy core courses, to encouraging students to figure out their career goals before arriving on campus. You can read many more of the Facebook and Twitter responses to Business Week's question here.