'When Too Much is Not Enough,' topic of talk Nov. 20
Ellen Breyer, former chief executive officer, Hazelden Foundation, will give the next Faith and Work breakfast talk for 2008-09 in a series co-sponsored by St. Olaf Catholic Church and the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at the University of St. Thomas. Her topic is "When Too Much is Not Enough."
The ecumenical breakfast will be held from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, in Fleming Hall of St. Olaf Catholic Church, 215 S. Eighth St., Minneapolis.
Breyer proposes the questions: At what point do pleasure and gratification become life's driving force rather than a reward for a job well done? What roles do conscience and choice play in the progression from acceptable to harmful behavior?
Breyer has spoken widely on the topic of addiction in the workplace and will examine how to handle excess of any kind – at work and in your personal life.
Now in its 14th year, the theme of the 2008 Faith and Work Breakfasts is "Sin at Work." The Nov. 20 talk is part of a two-year series that examines human nature at work through a contemporary lens of the Seven Deadly Sins. By raising awareness to the dark side of human nature, participants can heighten their consciousness to the choices they make in living lives of faith at work.
Other speakers for 2008-09 are:
- Dr. Peter Kreeft, author, professor of philosophy, Boston College, King's College, speaking on "Sloth: The Deadly Sin of Too-Busy People," Friday, Feb. 20 .
- Andre Delbecq, McCarthy University Professor at the University of Santa Clara, and director of the Institute for Spirituality of Organizational Leadership, speaking on "If 'Pride Goeth Before the Fall,' Are We at the Tipping Point?" Thursday, April 2.
The cost of each Faith and Work Breakfast is $20, which includes a continental breakfast. Pre-registration is encouraged.
To make a reservation or for more information, contact Carol Bishop, St. Olaf Catholic Church, (612) 332-7471, Ext. 255. Information also is available on the St. Olaf Web site.