Earlier this spring, Master of Business Communication student Christina Milanowski was named Minnesota PRSA's 2012 Young Professional Award winner. She was recently interviewed by Arik Hanson for his "PR Rock Stars" series and discussed why she decided to get her degree, and, what she hopes to achieve as a result:
Pursuing a masters in business communications (technically an MBC) has been one of the most impactful moves I've made in my life. The spark you get from sitting in a classroom and collaborating with your classmates (or finishing your homework just in time) is unmatched in the workplace setting. At St. Thomas, MBA and MBC students often share classes, allowing me to learn alongside and from working professionals much different than me – engineers, accountants, HR benefits managers and medical device sales reps.
As to what I want to achieve, more knowledge and to feed my drive to keep on learning. Still, I know there are practical implications for my work with clients. I've learned a solid understanding of what makes corporations tick – ultimately, the bottom line – and its invaluable from an agency or corporate side. Ultimately, I’d love to earn the respect of business owners and professionals by being seen as a business and PR counselor.
Read her complete interview at Hanson's Communications Conversations blog.