St. Thomas Women's Circle Panel to Discuss 'Loving Your Body in a Hostile World'

The St. Thomas Women’s Circle will host a panel discussion – “The Real Hunger Games: Loving Your Body in a Hostile World” – on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Composed of several professors, a licensed psychologist, a nurse practitioner and two UST students, the panel will examine many topics such as: body image, how women are portrayed in the media, eating disorders and helping women learn to love their bodies.

The event will be held at 7 p.m. in the O’Shaughnessy Room (108), O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library Center. (Note the location since some confusion has been reported.) Free food, drinks and T-shirts will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and several YouTube clips will be shown.

The discussion will be informal, and students and staff who participate are welcome to ask questions and join in the dialogue – the more interaction the better. Although serious topics will be discussed, the event is designed to support and inform participants so that they can leave feeling happy and confident about the way they look.

For more information email Melissa Seymour.