You're invited to skits performed by student orientation leaders
Approximately 1,225 students and 1,500 parents and guardians are expected to visit the St. Thomas community during Summer Orientation and Registration. The Dean of Students Office and Academic Counseling staff members are busy planning two full days of orientation for new students and their families.
Dates for this year’s orientation sessions are:
- July 10-11
- July 13-14
- July 17-18
- July 21-22
- July 24-25
- July 27-28
One of the highlights of the Orientation and Registration program is the student life issues skits performed by student orientation leaders. Performances are at 7 p.m. on the first night of each orientation session in the auditorium, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center, and members of the St. Thomas community are welcome to come enjoy the evening.
If you plan to attend a performance or have any questions concerning Summer Orientation and Registration, call Victoria Svoboda, associate dean of students, (651) 962-6052, or visit the orientation Web site.