The ACG Cup is a case study competition designed to give students from leading MBA programs across the country real-world experience and invaluable insights into mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, financial advisory and private equity. Each case study provides students with a unique opportunity to present valuation, capital markets and M&A strategic advice to a panel of seasoned M&A professionals from within the ACG community. The competition is carried out through a series of intra-school and regional competitions, with regional winners awarded the prestigious ACG Cup title and cash awards.
This year’s participating schools included the Tippie College of Business from the University of Iowa, The Carlson School from the University of Minnesota and the Opus College of Business at University of St. Thomas.
- This past week the St. Thomas team of Kyle Jorgenson, Ted Long, Gurkan Peksoz, Bhakti Raicha, and Brett Wong brought home the second place award making this the third year in a row that UST has placed in the competition.
This was the first year that I had the opportunity to attend this event and I was pleasantly surprised at what I experienced. From the minute I saw our students, their personal brand was obvious; they were impeccably dressed, they greeted the judges with smiles and firm handshakes, their hand-out materials were professionally prepared (with extra copies – smart decision!), and each student presented with polish and professionalism. Everything they learned over the past 2 years in their Communication Labs, Career Lab, Leadership Lab as well as their MBA courses helped prepare them for this competition.
I have great confidence in our student’s abilities going forward, and I know that their MBA from St. Thomas will open many doors for them. These same students will be attending an Ice Breaker Charity Event with ACG partners, they will be networking with CEOs and executives from many prominent Twin Cities companies within the next week, they are participating in national conferences throughout the US and are already receiving job offers long before graduation.
By participating in opportunities like case competitions, students develop the skills necessary to influence and positively impact our business community. The UST MBA is not simply about taking courses and completing exams, it’s about building an entire portfolio of experiences that prepare them to take on real life challenges in the years ahead. I’m proud of our students, all of them, and know that once they leave with their MBA they’re ready to take on the world.
Deb Basarich also contributed to this post.