April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
From Personal Counseling and Testing
What’s with all the teal?
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The UST Sexual Violence Prevention Programming Committee is sponsoring several events in recognition of the month because, yes, sexual assault does happen at St. Thomas.
You may notice that many faculty, staff and student leaders are wearing T-shirts with a message about sexual assault. T-shirts will be given away during convo hour, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, April 6, and Tuesday, April 11, in the lower quad, in front of Murray-Herrick Campus Center. Donations will be accepted for Sexual Offense Services, a sexual assault and rape crisis center located at 1619 Dayton Ave. in St. Paul.
Posters and table tents with information about sexual assault will be located around campus. Teal lapel ribbons will be available at the table with the T-shirts and also in the Luann Dummer Center for Women, Room 103, O’Shaughnessy Educational Center. There also will be information in the Dean of Students’ Office display case.
Residence halls can contact the Wellness Center, (651) 962-6125, to get “Bulletin Boards in a Bag” or see the acclaimed video “We Were Only Freshmen,” which portrays the profound effect of an acquaintance rape on both people involved.
Sexual assault survivors will be acknowledged in the petitions at all the Sunday Masses in the month of April. A self-defense class for women, led by local expert Diana Rathborne, will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18. Watch the Bulletin and flyers for the location.
Activities are sponsored by Academic Advising, Athletics, Campus Living, Campus Life, Campus Ministry, Commuter Center, Dean of Students, Health Services, Luann Dummer Center for Women, Public Safety, Personal Counseling, and the Wellness Center.