As everyone knows by now, this year’s annual Tommie – Johnnie football game will be held at Allianz Field in the Midway neighborhood of St. Paul on Oct. 19. This brand new stadium sits at the intersection of University and Snelling avenues, one of the busiest intersections in the Twin Cities metro area, but also an intersection that many people simply pass through on their way to some other destination.
The faculty and student researchers of the Urban Art, Landscapes, and St. Paul Communities Stories Project, part of the College of Arts and Sciences’ SOLV Initiative, have been working at and around this intersection for more than a year now examining the impact of urban art on public space.
Through our work, we’ve met many Midway residents and learned about this vibrant neighborhood; we want to urge the St. Thomas community to explore the wonderful restaurants, bars, stores and studios the Midway neighborhood has to offer when you come to see the game.
To help you decide where to go before and after the Tommie-Johnnie football game, our team has prepared this graphic as a guide. So, come early, stay late, and enjoy all the art, food, music and community Midway has to offer.