Catholic Identity Symposia Series begins Sept. 26
From the Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy, in collaboration with the Office for Mission, again offers the Catholic Symposia Series, "Catholic Identity: Implications for Life and Work at a Catholic University."
Employees are encouraged to attend one or more of these sessions to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the religious nature of St. Thomas and how each person can contribute to the life and spirit of this community.
"Catholic identity" has been established by the university as one of its three key strategic priorities. St. Thomas is committed to understanding more deeply its religious heritage and living it out more fully in the context of a vital and inclusive community.
The symposia series offers employees the opportunity to learn about and discuss the university's Catholic identity through the following three specific programs.
"Catholic Social Tradition: Implications for Management in a Catholic University," led by Dr. Mike Naughton
- Part one – 9 a.m.- noon Wednesday, Sept. 26, in Room 100, McNeely Hall
- Part two – 9 a.m.- noon Wednesday, Oct. 10, in Room 100, McNeely Hall
We hear a great deal about the Catholic Church's commitment to social justice and about the richness of its tradition of reflection on social matters. We hear much less about how the Catholic social tradition ought to shape the way in which we manage organizations and employees. This two-part session will introduce participants to the basic principles of the social tradition and explore how these principles can and should shape the way we manage on a practical level.
"The Meaning of Work in the Catholic Tradition," led by Dr. Deborah Savage
- Part One – 8:30 a.m.- noon Wednesday, Oct. 24, in Room 401, Terrence Murphy Hall
- Part Two – 8:30 a.m.- noon Wednesday, Nov. 7, in Room 100, McNeely Hall
How is work regarded in the Catholic Christian tradition? What is its significance and meaning? What is the proper relationship between work and a full human life? What are the implications of that understanding for how we manage or lead – and how we are managed or led?
These are just a few of the important questions we will consider in this two-part session on working at the University of St. Thomas. Both sessions are highly interactive. Participants will be invited to consider how the principles we discuss can be brought to bear on their own jobs at St. Thomas, to consider what actions they might take on a concrete level to make the vision reflected in St. Thomas' mission statement a reality.
"Catholic Beliefs and Practices," led by Dr. Gene Scapanski
- 1:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, in Room 100, McNeely Hall
- 1:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27, in Room 100, McNeely Hall
This program will provide a basic orientation to Catholic beliefs and practices and an opportunity for Catholics, those of other traditions, and those of no faith background, to explore what it means to live and work at a Catholic university.
We will explore: the fundamental tenets of Catholicism; beliefs, values and practices that Catholicism shares in common with other faith traditions and how it is different; and unity and diversity in the Church. Other topics will include how the Catholic Church is structured and what it means to be a "diocesan" university; the Mass (and how do I participate if I am not Catholic?); the sacraments; feasts and seasons of the Catholic calendar; and the role of sacramentals and symbols.
Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and share experiences of working in a "Catholic" university setting and offer suggestions for enhancing our community experience.
For more details and to register, visit Training Online or call (651) 962-6900.