The St. Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union invites and encourages all of its members to attend the 66th Annual Meeting from 12:30-1 p.m. Wednesday, May 13, in the Iverson Hearth Room (Room 340), Anderson Student Center.
The session will include a short business meeting with reports from the CU board and the Supervisory Committee, refreshments and door prizes.
The credit union offers new and used car and RV loans, as well as signature loans to its members. All UST staff members can enroll in the automatic payroll deduction program. On each UST payroll period, a designated amount can be deposited into the member’s account and applied to their loans, share savings or club accounts. This program always has been popular and continues to grow with the membership.
The St. Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union is competitive on loan rates for members and in many cases can meet other bank and credit union rates. All loan rates are based on the applicant’s credit score.
If you have questions about the credit union, membership eligibility (which includes all UST employees and family members), check out the website, or call the office at (651) 962-6660. The credit union office is in Room 209 of Loras Hall.