Customized apparel open house is today
Purchasing Services invites you to attend its customized apparel open house from noon to 12:45 p.m. today, Thursday, March 9, in the atrium, first floor, Murray-Herrick Campus Center.
This is your opportunity to meet the preferred vendors, get ideas for upcoming apparel jobs and enter Purchasing Services’ drawing to win on-campus treats.
The following vendors are preferred and have been invited to participate:
- All Print Inc.
- Black Cat Promotions
- Dahlin Promotional Group
- Metro Promotions
- St. Croix Products
- Winning Team Sports
All of these vendors offer a range of apparel from low to high end and have access to many brands, including Champion, Outer Banks, Hanes, Gear and several others. These vendors were chosen based on feedback from departments that commonly order customized apparel.
Pursuing relationships with a limited number of preferred vendors who have been tried, tested and found to have reasonable pricing and a service-oriented approach makes it easier for you to be efficient.
For more on the customized apparel vendors, visit the Purchasing Services Web site.