After our record-breaking year in 2010, the stage is set for another successful Faculty and Staff Annual Campaign at the University of St. Thomas. This year, it is our goal to achieve a 55 percent participation rate, and your support is critical.
Faculty and staff members soon will receive the 2011 Faculty and Staff Annual Campaign pledge form, which allows you to designate how your annual gift will be used. You can choose to support scholarships, department needs, professional development, any of the Opening Doors capital-campaign priorities or a variety of other areas. You determine where your gift will go.
You also may choose how to give your gift. You can give with a check, a credit card or the very simple and popular payroll deduction. The focus of this campaign is not on how much money we raise but on how many of us participate. Gifts of any amount are welcome and appreciated.
Help us to make history as the first Faculty and Staff Annual Campaign to reach 55 percent participation. Congratulations to those departments that came close or even surpassed that goal last year:
- Enrollment Services – 100 percent
- Institutional Advancement– 100 percent
- Student Affairs – 93 percent
- School of Law – 89 percent
- Social Work – 72 percent
- College of Applied Professional Studies – 57 percent
- Office of Mission – 52 percent
Questions? Contact John Bannigan, Development Office, (651) 962-6982.