Glenn Caruso
Who is the best Division III football coach in America? A lot of football fans think it is St. Thomas' Glenn Caruso. But if he is, he'll need your vote, and lots of them, to win the Liberty Mutual Coach of the Year award.
The preliminary round of voting is under way. Cast your vote at the Coach of the Year website. (Click on "Vote Now" and type in "Glenn Caruso" in the "Find Your Coach" window.) Voters can:
- Vote once a day
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- View a leader board
Preliminary round voting ends on Dec. 4. The top 15 vote getters will advance to an evaluation process phase, which scores coaches through an objective model. Caruso was in 12th place late Sunday night.
The turnaround in St. Thomas football under Caruso is so pronounced that the Minneapolis Star Tribune followed Caruso for a week and published a three-page feature on him last Friday. The story can be read here online and includes a video and a slide show.