'Kick the Cancer Benefit Party' Planned for 2003 English Alumna

A “Kick the Cancer Benefit Party” will be held Friday for Sara Hales Gane, a 2003 St. Thomas English alumna who has colon cancer.

The party will be from 6 to 10 p.m. at the Minneapolis Photo Co-op, 2400 N. Second St., Minneapolis. A $20 donation can be made at the door.

Gane was diagnosed last October with cancer. She has chosen to pursue an alternative method in Switzerland to treat her cancer and consequently will have higher medical expenses than if she had chosen chemotherapy and radiation, which insurance would help to cover.

Event RSVPs are encouraged to kickthecancersara@gmail.com. If you cannot attend the party but want to make a donation, send it to Sara Gane Kick the Cancer Fund, First National Bank of the Lakes, 3100 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55408.