Know our mission and win!
One feature of this year's Welcome Week is a campuswide contest, "Know Our Mission and Win!" The purpose of the contest is to encourage all members of the St. Thomas community to learn our new mission statement (it's only one sentence!).
Here’s how it works. During Welcome Week, Tommie will be "prowling" the campus. Tommie may approach you. At that time, if you are able to recite our Mission Statement (credit may be given for good attempts), or if you have the
If you are also wearing a "Welcome Week '05" button at that time, you will be entered automatically into a drawing for the grand prize.
The grand prize? It's your choice of a parking permit or a $300 Bookstore gift certificate. The grand prize drawing will be held at the Activities Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 20. You need not be present to win.
Need a fun way to learn the mission statement? Carrie Phelps and DeAnna Kuhn, two seniors in broadcast journalism, have produced four short public service announcements about the mission; you can watch one of them on the university’s internal TV monitors and three others on the Welcome Week Web page.
Pick up a copy of the "Know Our Mission and Win" contest guidelines, Welcome Week buttons and mission bookmarks at the following times and places:
- Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7, near the new Food for Thought entrance in Schulze Hall
- Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7, in the lower quadrangle outside of Murray-Herrick Campus Center, St. Paul campus
- Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, in the lower quad outside Murray-Herrick Campus Center
- Noon-1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, in the Faculty-Staff Dining Room, Murray-Herrick Campus Center
- 11 a.m.-noon Monday, Sept. 12, in Koch Commons, St. Paul campus
- Noon-1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 12, near the new Food for Thought entrance in Schulze Hall
Be sure to watch for Tommie "prowling" the campus!