Local donor gives money to students to give away
A local businesswoman, who prefers at this point to remain anonymous, is working with Dr. Barbara Gorski, the coordinator of BUS200, to find students to give away some of her money.
“This woman, who has no real connection to St. Thomas, contacted folks in our Development Office and discussed this vision she had. She wanted students to learn firsthand the joys of philanthropy. And she believed she could help to make this happen by having them give away some of her money,” Gorski explained.
So, the Development office staff contacted Gorski and talked about the fit with BUS200. Gorski then developed a model and presented it to the woman, who loved the idea.
In addition to the $25,000 she is providing for students to award to worthy nonprofits, she also is providing funds to allow a small stipend for each student and an operation budget for mailing, travel expenses, and hosting a luncheon at which the recipients will receive their checks.
The students will have full rein to determine how to notify, recruit and then select the nonprofits that will receive the funds. Gorski will guide the students, but the decisions will be their own. The only caveat is that the nonprofits have to be organizations that have worked with BUS200. Gorski discussed this notion with the donor and asked for that arrangement as a way of saying “thanks” to the organizations that have worked with Bus200 students. The donor was in full agreement and liked the idea of enriching the circle of partnerships that has already taken place.
“All I can say is that this woman is amazing!” Gorski said. “What an impact she is going to have. Our students will learn so much about giving and even more about community partnerships. And these organizations will be able to apply for funding and have an answer in less than a month!
“Now, I just need to locate five to 10 outstanding students. I know they are out there. Students do amazing things during their BUS200 experiences. I am pleased to have this opportunity to reward students who have already finished BUS200!”
Students who are interested in applying for the board, and who have completed BUS200, can obtain more information and an application in Room 128, McNeely Hall, or at the BUS200 Web site. The deadline for applying is 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14.